時間:2023-05-15 閱讀量:
2018.09-2022.06 北京體育大學 競技體育學院 教育學博士
2014.06-2014.09 美國加州州立大學富勒頓分校 訪問學者
2010.09-2013.06 北京體育大學 研究生學院 教育學碩士
2005.09-2009.06 山西大學 體育學院 教育學學士
1.Chen, Y., Zhang, Y., Guo, Z., Bao, D., & Zhou, J. Comparison between the effects of exergame intervention and traditional physical training on improving balance and fall prevention in healthy older adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis[J]. Journal of neuroengineering and rehabilitation, 2021, 18(1), 1-17. 2.劉朦, 郭振向, 李斌, 陳巖, 汪洋, 周李明非, 包大鵬, 劉昊揚. 優秀男子自由式摔跤運動員Wingate測試的最佳負荷研究[J]. 中國體育科技, 已錄用.
3.陳巖, 尚張鈺婷, 郭振向, 蔣幫華, 包大鵬, 劉昊揚. 優秀跆拳道運動員神經-肌肉疲勞狀態下的VR眼動特征研究[J]. 中國體育科技, 2019, 55(09): 64-69.
4.Jun Zhou†, Yan Chen†, Trenton Gin, Dapeng Bao*, Junhong Zhou. The effects of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation on standing balance and walking performance in older adults with age-related neurological disorders: a systematic review and meta-analysis[J]. Journal of Gerontology: Series A, 2022, glac158.
5.Meng Liu†, Yan Chen†, Zhenxiang Guo, Kaixiang Zhou, Limingfei Zhou, Haoyang Liu, BAO DAPENG and Junhong Zhou. Construction of Women’s All-around Speed Skating Event Performance Prediction Model and Competition Strategy Analysis Based on Machine Learning Algorithms[J]. Frontiers in Psychology, 2022: 4080.
6.郭振向, 周開祥, 陳巖, 矯瑋, 王霄英, 張玨, 包大鵬. 基於功能性磁共振成像技術的運動疲勞“中樞控製器模型”理論在體研究[J]. 體育科學, 已錄用.
7.Bao D, Chen Y, Yue H et al. The relationship between multiscale dynamics in tremulous motion of upper limb when aiming and aiming performance in different physical load conditions[J]. Journal of sports sciences, 2019, 37(22): 2625-2630.(IF🧓:3.34)
8.Liu, M., Zhou, K., Chen, Y., Zhou, L., Bao, D., & Zhou, J. Is Virtual Reality Training More Effective Than Traditional Physical Training on Balance and Functional Mobility in Healthy Older Adults? A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis[J]. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 2022, 16: 843481.(IF:3.32)
9.周開祥, 郭振向, 陳巖, 蔣幫華, 劉昊揚, 包大鵬. 血流限製下有氧運動對健康成人有氧工作能力影響的Meta分析[J]. 中國體育科技, 2021, 57(10): 55-63.
10.包大鵬,胡揚,何家林,周俊鴻,張玨,陳巖. 優秀現代五項運動員“跑射聯項”重心變化的非線性分析[J]. 體育科學, 2012, 32(07): 18-21+38."